Hi, I want to start off by saying a massive warm WELCOME. Thank you so much for joining me here and supporting my small business (while I’m still figuring it all out and hopefully all the way to world domination). It really does means the world to me.

If you’ve seen my new LOGO on instagram then you might have seen my slogan. - ‘Where Art Is Limitless”, it’s pretty catchy but I want it to mean so much more for us all.

So often we are forced into boxes and made to fit our limitless beings into 30 characters or less. I mean, I don’t know about you, but having to fit who I am into three words makes my eye twitch. I know, I know, it’s not that serious! But seriously though, I want to encourage you all to show up exactly as you want. To show up as your authentic self in all your uniqueness and to explore whatever inspires you; whatever sets your soul on fire!

Have you ever thought about making ‘the thing’, or taking ‘the lesson’, or trying something that you know will make you uncomfortable but then thought, ‘nah’ because maybe you were scared that you wouldn’t be good at it? Or it wouldn’t turn out perfectly? Then I hear you! Many times I have been stuck because I was scared to just to go for it. Surprisingly, in my experience, more so in the pursuit of music. I can feel the lump in my throat just thinking of it. But the times I have pushed through and squashed my limiting beliefs I have experienced so much freedom, relief and most importantly peace and joy.

Art allowed me to just be, because art is in everything and in my opinion you can’t really do it wrong - and there was so much freedom in that for me. I have been fortunate enough to have parents, family, friends and a husband that always encourages me to just go for it. And crazy, fun adventures have come out of it.

That’s what I want to be for my community. I want to inspire my community to ask themselves ‘Why shouldn’t I?!’ ‘What’s the worse that could happen?’. YOU are limitless and your exploration and creation of art (whatever that means to you) should be too.

I want to demonstrate through my artistic practice that you can smash your limiting beliefs and remind you that you are magical. So let’s make the thing, take the class, be uncomfortable together and be the incredible limitless beings we were born to be.

All my love, always,

Lisa xxx
